
Monday, June 27, 2016

I'm back!

Hello everyone! It has been a long time since I've blogged. Life has gotten busy but today I was reminded that you make time for what you like to do. I enjoy sharing my thoughts, projects and favorite products. So, I decided enough is enough. I'm going to make a commitment to blog at least twice a month.

Here is a little of what I've been up to lately.  My darling daughter Mikaelah was married to her Prince Charming, Daniel, a year ago. I had the best time planning her wedding (not to mention making lots of things from the floral pieces to the table decorations).  I miss her something crazy as her hubby is in the military so they moved far away. Thank the Lord for phone calls and Skype.

I've slowed down selling scrapbooking products.  Since I mainly sold Heidi Swapp products, it became apparent that there was a transition from selling through independent retailers like myself to the products being available in the big box stores.  I realized if customers could purchase items for less money than I could offer and not pay shipping,  it was time to move on. I still have LOTS of product left and will be doing a hum-dinger (did I just write that?) of a sale to get rid of my inventory.  It's true when God closes one door, He opens another. After making that difficult decision to not purchase any new product lines, I started numerous other crafts for my enjoyment which helped fill the void of not selling.

I started Bible journaling, art journaling, painting and making jewelry with ICE Resin. Yep, that's a lot of new crafts and I'm loving them all! I've also been teaching quite a bit and taking various classes both online and in person.  I am enjoying these new creative art forms and learning quite a bit about myself along the way. Not only have I spent time creating, teaching and learning, I've been spending lots of time with my husband and 17 year old son!

That's a lot of  update so I'll close for now. Look for future posts sharing my passion for these new crafts, tutorials on some projects, and posts about that hum-dinger scrapbook and planner sale. I'll also be sharing my heart as I move through this fabulous journey of life. I am blessed and want to share blessings with those around me so look for some fun giveaways too! Thanks for reading and may your days be filled with creativity and blessings!!