
Thursday, January 31, 2013

Free...My One Little Word

I am making it official:  I am now a part of the #olw world :), otherwise known as one little word.  I didn't really want to have olw.  I talk alot and do alot and the thought of having just one word to focus on for the year seemed to box my personality in.  Funny, how things change. 

I started thinking more about this concept.  Then I did something that might sound strange to some of you, but I prayed about it.  I decided that if there was going to be one word for me to focus on in the year 2013, I didn't want to be the one to pick it for myself.  I wanted God to pick it for me.  So, as I was praying one day I told God that if this olw thing was something He would want for me, then He would have to be the one to give me the word.  Wierd, I know.  Maybe some of you can understand.  I said my prayer and thought the subject would be closed for several weeks. How wrong I was!  Within several minutes, the word FREE came to me.  Really?  Yes, really.  I pushed it aside in my mind. Everytime I pushed it away in my brain, it kept coming back up.  OK, I get it.  So, my word was going to be free.

Why free?  Again I thought maybe something would come to me a few weeks down the road.  Oh no.  Right then and there, phrases with the word free in them started flooding my mind.  "There is freedom in Christ" "I need to be free of the scale." (I admit it can either make or break my day depending on those silly numbers on my bathroom scale.  Am I the only one???)  "I need to learn how to be free to create."  On and On those phrases came to me.  I went home, wrote them down and now I am working on learning all about my olw.  I decided since I offically had my own olw, I would create something that would help me to remember it.  Below is what I created and now it is in my living room where I can see it all the time.  I am looking forward to this year and what I can learn about the word free.  I would love to know if you have olw and what that word is and how you are learning about your word.  Leave me a message.  We can journey through it together!


  1. this is a fantastic post and so glad you shared it... I love your word and your project!! Enjoy the process.!

  2. This is the second year I did the one word. This year mine is "Silent". It is fun when God speaks to you and it totally makes sense. I love the frame you made. I just typed mine up so I need to do something a little more special. Thanks for sharing.
